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Fotona® Ultra Performance Lasers

TimeWalker® is a next-generation Er:YAG and Nd:YAG aesthetic laser dedicated to facial aesthetic treatments. With a unique combination of Fotona’s advanced laser technology and proprietary ASP-powered treatment modes, TimeWalker® is designed and optimized for non-invasive facelifting procedures such as Fotona4D®, SmoothEye® and LipLase®.

Safe and Highly Effective Er:YAG

TimeWalker® is equipped with an advanced, high-performance Er:YAG laser featuring ASP-powered technology that enables non-ablative treatments with thermal regeneration modalities using patented intense heatshock biomodulation (i-HBM), as well as ablative treatments with precise modulation of ablation and coagulation depths.

Laser services include: 4D Facelift, NightLase, LipLase, Acne Scarring, SmoothLase, SmoothEye, Laser Resurfacing, Hair Restoration, Stretch Marks, Wart Removal, Skin Tightening, Onychomycosis & MORE!

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